понедельник, 11 июля 2016 г.

What a (Russian) girl wants

A couple of weeks ago I was travelling from Moscow to another Russian city by train. I went to the conductor to buy some tea and  bumped up against a good-looking and well-dressed guy. Half an hour later the conductor approached me saying that the guy “is not married and dreams of a wife like you”: he brought me the guy’s name, address, phone number and disclosed some information on his job and background. When I was getting off  the train, the guy helped me with the heavy bags and took my number. He called several times a day and even (after 2 days he knew me) said hi from his parents who wanted to meet me; he brought flowers to the train when I was going back to Moscow and was looking forward to going to dance classes with me. Well, it would have been a perfect match, if I hadn’t been in love with another guy.

You’ll probably think - “isn’t it too early to talk about meeting parents and marriage”? For Russians it’s not. Well, of course there are exceptions. And of course people in Moscow, for example, marry later then in the rest of the country. But if a guy of 35 is not married and has never been married, people think there is something wrong with him. There is a Russian proverb saying that “If there is no intellect at the age of 20, there will never be any. If there is no wife at 30, there will never be any.” Guys with wives are considered more stable and serious by employers – this is why recruiters always ask about marital status.  
So, it is totally ok for a 31-year-old to look for girls for serious relationship only. And it would be totally fine for me after 2 days (ok, well…2 weeks) to meet his parents – after all, it would mean that he is serious about me (if you have been with a guy for a couple of months and you haven’t met his friends or family yet, he is not serious). And an average girl does not want to waste her time on a non-serious relationship.
Anyway, if you want to know what a Russian girl wants, here is what’s would make her think you’re ideal:

·         Attention: attention is the most important thing. I do understand that men don’t think about women all the time because they need to put a lot of effort into their career, but she doesn’t understand it. In order to make her think you think of her all the time, at least send her one message in the morning, one at the lunchtime and call her (it’s important!) in the evening. Even if you don’t like to chat, just call for at least 5 minutes – this way she would know you think of her, and you’ll know what she is doing. But don’t be too pushy though;

·         Flowers: Russian men very often bring flowers to dates, especially during first months of relationship. Try sending it to her work or home: she will appreciate your attention (and this is the most important thing, see point 1);

·         Restaurants: don’t ever let her pay - in Russia it’s always the man who pays. Sometimes she may take her wallet out saying that she’ll pay for herself, but she does it out of politeness or (even worse) she doesn’t want to feel obliged to you. Even if she insists, don’t let her do it! If you let her pay once you may only be a friend, not more;

·          Fairy tales: Russian girls were brought up reading Cinderella – they believe that one day Prince Charming will come and will save them (mostly from themselves). If after some months of relationship she says to you/sends a message saying it’s over – it is maybe because she doubts you are serious about her, and what you are supposed to do is to come to her apartment with flowers (or with a music band) and save her from the doubts. Or from something else (neighbors not letting her sleep, bad mood, etc.). If she loves you, she will automatically think you are her hero. And heroes are supposed to save their women. So please do it. If the fairytale scenario did not work, leave her alone;

·         Soul mate: you have probably heard about the “enigmatic Russian soul”. In fact, if you like the process of unraveling mysteries and the discovery of faint clues, dating a Russian girl is for you. Well, for a Russian girl it is important that you understand her. You will probably never understand her completely, but at least try to do it, show her that you are interested – read the same books she reads, go to the same places she goes, ask her about her childhood. Spend more time with her - be not just her boyfriend, but her soul mate. Which means (again) - pay more attention (point 1);

·    Don’t be pragmatic: Russians are not pragmatic, especially when they are in love. It is OK for a man whose salary is 30 thousand RU a month to buy a 100 thousand RU fur coat for his woman’s birthday (even if it means taking a loan). So at least do not show her you are pragmatic: if you are going to spend a weekend at a holiday hotel, and the only option left are expensive cottages for 20 thousand RU, and you say to your girlfriend you will not go there because it is stupid to spend so much money (even though you can afford it) just for a cottage, she will make the conclusion you do not really like her. Because if she likes you, she will spend without thinking 20 thousand just to buy the dress for the date, because she wants to please you. Even if it is the last money she has;

·     Marry her: we Russians are simple people: you love a person – you want the person to be yours forever – you marry. Even if you know that this person is the one after 1 month of relationship only. Remember: it is never too early.

Good luck,
